It’s Cosmic

Why the 1111 Angel Number Meaning Is a Powerful Manifesting Tool, According to Numerology

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Why the 1111 Angel Number Meaning Is a Powerful Manifesting Tool According to Numerology

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You don’t have to know the meaning of the 1111 angel number to feel its spiritual significance. Think about it: Any time you’ve ever looked at a clock and seen that it was exactly 11:11, observed a license plate with several ones, or kept seeing phone numbers with repeating numbers, you took notice. But is it a coincidence? Numerology says no.

According to the ancient study, which believes in the divine or mystical significance of numbers, there is an important divine message from the universe every time you see this pattern of ones.

“Angel numbers are basically repetitive numbers that we tend to see or come across in our daily life,” says Letao Wang, a certified spiritual counselor who specializes in professional tarot, astrology, and numerology. “In numerology, we believe that each number carries a different vibration. So when we look at these repetitive numbers…we tend to believe that it means something. It’s like a message that your guardian angel, or what you might call your spiritual higher self or the universe, is trying to convey to you.”

So what is 1111’s meaning, and what does this synchronicity have to do with the spiritual realm? Let’s get into it.

First, what is numerology?

Before we get into the 11:11 phenomenon and the angel number 1111 meaning, let’s first discuss what numerology is all about. Numerology is defined as the study of the occult significance of numbers. In addition to being used in different astrology, mysticism, and fortune-telling practices, the concept of giving certain numbers important meaning has long been used in several religions from the ancient Greeks and early Christians to modern witchcraft. Particularly in Christianity, the number one, and especially the number 11, plays a major role, as it stands for perfection, unity, and wholeness.

So if you keep seeing a repetition of ones, it might be a wake-up call from the universe to stay positive. “One by itself is already a very special number because this is the first number in the numerological sequence,” explains Wang. “One really is the starting point. Zero is nothing, or we call the nothingness. So when you go to one, you’re manifesting something into the materialistic world.”

What does it mean to look at the clock at 11:11?

The following phenomenon has probably happened to you before: You unsuspectingly check the time and realize: “Hey, it’s 11:11!” Maybe this has even happened several days in a row to the point where you wonder, “Why do I keep seeing 1111?” For many people, there’s much more behind it than just a funny coincidence. It can even lead to a spiritual awakening.

Spiritualists call this event the 11:11 phenomenon. Seeing the number evokes a feeling of significance because it’s a mirror of twin numbers, and numerology attaches great importance to the number 11 in particular: It represents a new beginning, the start of a new phase of life, or the imminence of a positive event. So when you look at the clock and the two twin numbers face you, according to numerology, the universe wants to give you the supportive signal you may have needed at that moment.

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What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?

A guide to the fascinating numerology concept.

angel numbers

But when it comes to the 11 11 11 meaning, Wang says the number sequence is less important than the actual number itself. “When you look at repetitive numbers, such as 1111, it’s basically the universe giving you a hint and telling you that whatever you want to manifest, you are going to get and it’s coming to you soon,” Wang says. “It’s usually related to some kind of new beginning.” In short, the angel number 111 or 1111 signals a time of fresh starts and self-discovery.

Should I make a wish when I see 11:11?

You may have heard that it’s good luck to make a wish when you see 11:11. Is that true? Spiritualists claim that at this particular time of day, the connection between a self and the universe is very close. So in theory this would give us the power to partially influence our destiny with a positive energy. To that end, they believe negative thoughts and emotions should be blocked out at this time so that they don’t cloud communication or send an unwanted, false message to the universe.

Wang says seeing 1111 is a good sign from your spirit guides that you’re on the right path—as long as you keep up the positive vibes, thoughts, and wishes. “Basically, it’s telling you to keep your mind optimistic,” says Wang. “And so, this is a very good number for you to make wishes around. It’s telling you that everything is coming together.”

If you see 11:11 on the clock, you could engage by being quiet for a moment, listening within, and focusing on your present feelings and thoughts. Ask yourself: Am I satisfied with my life? Is the path I’m on the right one? What are my goals? Search for the answers, manifest your deepest desires, and send that message to the universe. Try using affirmations or whatever helps you maintain a positive attitude.

And remember: Manifesting also requires you to take action in order to make those dreams come true. So you may still have to get out of your comfort zone, explore new opportunities, or do some personal growth to find your life purpose.

What does the 11:11 phenomenon have to do with angel numbers? And what does 1111 mean spiritually?

Some believe that the double number gives not just a communication from the universe but one from our personal guardian angel(s). Within numerology, angel numbers are a repetitive sequence or pattern of numbers that often hold personal significance and may signal divine guidance, messages, or insights from our spiritual guides.

The 1111 angel number is said to signal that our guardian angel is particularly close and wants us to focus on positive thoughts. It’s believed to be a reminder that we have a soul plan or destiny—that is, a life path laid out for us by the universe—and to call into question things that are not good for us.

Is there a scientific explanation for why I’m always seeing 11:11?

Is there really a higher power behind this symmetrical sequence of numbers, or is there a scientific explanation for the fact that we keep looking at the clock at the same time? Is it a coincidence or a life-changing signal from our guardian angel? According to science, the reason you see 11:11 so often is primarily psychological.

In an article for Psychology Today, John W. Hoopes, PhD, says you’re likely experiencing apophenia, “an error of perception—the tendency to interpret random patterns as meaningful.”

We humans are insanely good at noticing and registering certain things that are on our minds at the moment, more so than with topics that don’t seem so important to us. Are you thinking about whether you should really buy that new expensive bag? If so, you’ll almost certainly start seeing it everywhere. Have you and your partner just started trying to get pregnant? You may have the feeling that everything around you suddenly has to do with babies.

Scientists call this phenomenon selective perception. The term describes the human characteristic of the psyche to perceive certain aspects in our environment more intensely while we completely block out others. In particular, our brain finds patterns attractive and exciting, which is why we tend to unconsciously look at the clock at the same time every day and think it’s a coincidence every time.

Priming and framing, two psychological causes of selective perception, also play a major role. They unconsciously entice us to perform certain actions over and over, often without properly registering the trigger stimulus. So if we whip out our phone at 11:11 a.m. several days in a row, a psychological thought pattern in our brain is usually responsible.

Nevertheless, pausing for a moment and reflecting on positive things never hurt anyone! So if 11:11 holds personal significance for you or you feel a spiritual connection to the number, consider setting an alarm and using that time to meditate or check in with yourself.

This post was originally published on Glamour Germany.