What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean?

A guide to the fascinating numerology concept.
angel numbers
Helin Loik-Tomson

Keep seeing the same numbers everywhere you look? You might just be looking at angel numbers.

You might see the same four digits on your phone clock when you glance at the time, on your bill as you pay for dinner, in a new friend's phone number in your contacts, or even on a house address as you happen to look up during a walk in your neighborhood.

Surely, seeing the same number patterns over and over again can't actually mean anything, can it?

Well, it may sound a little far-fetched, but some astrologers believe that certain numerical patterns that keep randomly appearing in our lives are actually hidden messages from the universe, also known as angel numbers.

“If you believe in the magic of synchronicity, then angel numbers can definitely be a part of those random coincidences that feel more than just a mere number,” Sade Jackson, the “Astrology Vixen,” tells Glamour UK. “Numerology has been a part of esoteric circles for millennia, so it still holds weight in our modern world.”

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are simply repeated numerical patterns that you keep seeing randomly in your life.

“Angel numbers are a string of repeating numbers like 222, 999, or numbers that have an uncanny sequence that keep popping up around you, whether it’s the time on your phone or on your oven clock,” says Jackson.

These numbers are said to be signs from the universe—in other words, they are a sign that greater forces are trying to communicate something to you. According to numerologists and astrologers, there are certain common angel numbers that have specific meanings.

What makes angel numbers special?

Angel numbers aren't just any numbers—they are said to hold special significance.

“Even the ancient mathematician Pythagoras believed in the concept of ‘magic numbers,’” says Jackson. “He noted the mystical significance of certain numbers, believing that they held special properties and had profound symbolic meanings.”

This concept has lasted for generations and is now most commonly known as “angel numbers.”

Where can you find angel numbers?

The short answer is: Just about anywhere where numbers appear, your angel number could turn up; you just have to know to look for it.

“One of my friends said that she’s been seeing the same number sequence since she was a child all around her, so she feels as if it's a sign that she’s on the right side of her destiny,” Jackson says. “You could also see repeating numbers on your grocery shopping receipt or maybe the songs that come up on your playlist all have the same numerical duration.”

Other common places for angel numbers to appear include:

  • Bus stops
  • Clocks
  • Lottery numbers
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Price tags
  • License plates

So keep your eyes peeled!

What do angel numbers mean?

Although each angel number is thought to have its own specific meaning based on the digits that appear within the number, most people believe that angel numbers are a general sign from the universe that you're on the right path.

As Jackson says, “If there's one thing we can take from the ‘lucky girl syndrome’ cultural phenomena, is that we can see any repeating pattern as a sign or symbol that there’s something out there watching over us, or at least knowing that there is more to life than we can see with our two eyes.”

The meaning of each digit of an angel number

Okay, let's get into the nitty-gritty—what does each digit symbolize?

  • 0: Zero represents purity, innocence, and spiritual awareness. Seeing a zero in an angel number means it's a great time to double up on your yoga or meditation practices, as powerful intuitive insights could come your way.
  • 1: The first number represents fresh starts. You’re stepping into a whole new chapter of life. You could possibly be going through a time of soulful renewal. After things have gone stale, you can see the world finally open up again.
  • 2: Friends and lovers tend to come in pairs, so the number 2 is a symbol of unity. Perhaps you’ve been spending a little too much time solo, and it’s a sign to make some time for those you love. It could also mean that you’re a magnet to attract new connections.
  • 3: Pythagoras noted that the number 3 is the union of the spiritual and physical realms. Your head and your heart are aligned, so you can place extra trust and faith into your intuitive senses during this time.
  • 4: This number symbolizes rootedness. Four is the number of the four directions and four elements, so this is the time to consider how your foundations support your growth and make you feel rooted in yourself. Strong foundations boost your self-esteem.
  • 5: The number of change. How do you channel your creativity and how can you adapt to change? This may signify that your life is about to shift which can support you to dive into your creative potential.
  • 6: This number suggests looking inward. There’s no need to fear this number, although it’s been given a bad reputation with its associations with dark wizardry magic. Six is actually a good sign to look inward for the answers, just like the hermit card in tarot.
  • 7: This is one of the most potent numbers for spiritual growth. So pay attention to your dreams and trust your intuition, as you might just be graduating from a beginner witch to a full-fledged alchemist.
  • 8: The number of reinvention. Due to their transformative nature, symbols such as the snake and the infinity symbol are associated with the number 8. When this number emerges, it could mean you’re about to enter a time of reinvention, which may prompt you to make some radical changes in your life. For example, it could involve starting or closing a business or beginning or ending a significant relationship.
  • 9: The final digit is all about completing a cycle. Any changes that are coming your way, just surrender to the waves. To make room for new manifestations, sometimes we need to spring-clean our inner and outer lives to make space for them to land.

Common angel numbers and their meanings

There are a lot of common angel numbers, but some of the most common are repeated digits, usually in a pattern of three or four. You might see 111 at the end of a phone number and 11:11 on the clock, for instance. With pure angel numbers like 000, 111, or 222, look to the meaning of the digit that is repeated. For instance, the 111 angel number is all about getting a fresh start and starting something new, 222 is a sign of serenity and unity, while the 999 angel number might be telling you to take stock of what you've accomplished and close a chapter in your life.

There are other common angel number combinations that involve more than one digit, and their meanings can be a little more complicated to interpret.

Let's take a look at some common combos:


Out with the old and in with the new.

“Zero is the cosmic egg, representing wholeness and infinite potential,” astrologer Betty Andrews previously told us, “while 9 is the number of completion and spiritual awakening. When these two join forces, you know something cosmic is brewing.”


This is a sign to embrace new opportunities and stray a little from your comfort zone.

“Angel number 1010 signifies spiritual awakening and discovering inner wisdom, guiding us to understand our life's purpose and unlock our true potential,” well-being education site Anahana tells Glamour UK. “It is also associated with a soulmate or twin-flame connections, emphasising personal growth and self-love.”


“The angel number 1212 signifies harmony, balance, and positive change,” said Andrews. “Seeing 1212 repeatedly is a sign from your guardian angels or the universe, encouraging you to stay focused on your dreams and aspirations, to align with your highest path.”


1313 is all about creativity and pursuing your goals. It can also be a sign to rediscover your passion and drive.


If you see 1919 repeatedly, it might be a sign you are on the brink of completing a cycle in your life and that a new era is coming soon.

What should you do when you see an angel number?

If you've seen an angel number again and again, take note of it and use it as an opportunity to reflect and check in with your own journey.

“Step back and see your life from a bird's-eye view, as sometimes when we're caught up in the small details of our lives, we miss the beauty of the synchronicities that arise,” suggests Jackson. “If you want to embrace your inner alchemist, keep a special notepad handy to track these synchronicities and see how they unfold over days, weeks, or months.”

This story was originally published in Glamour UK.