It’s Cosmic

Weekly Horoscope: September 1 to 7, 2024

Here’s what the stars have in store for you this week.
Weekly Horoscope

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Your weekly horoscope is here. Change tends to happen in phases, like two steps forward, one step back. This week a major collective shift teeters back into the power grid of old systems and structures for a final update and transformation. On both a collective and personal level, this is your chance to get with it, as times are changing. A new moon in conscientious Virgo on Monday reflects similar themes of facing up to authority and responsibility. Habits make outcomes, so fine-tune yours with a list of what’s out and what’s in.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of September 1 through 7, 2024.

March 21–April 19


Let’s take a look at a final restructuring in your career and public image. Over the next two months, you have a chance to really dig in, own your power, face your potential, and reinvent yourself. This is an absolute power-move moment, and you, dear Aries, are up to the challenge. Monday’s new moon in fastidious Virgo resets your sphere of work and wellness. This is an opportune time to get the mechanics that underlie your career in order. Declutter, streamline, and tidy up your workflow; send out applications if you’re job hunting; and get your daily routine to a place that truly supports your mind, body, soul, and work-life balance. Your ruling planet, Mars, heads up your domestic sphere midweek, so you’ll need to expend energy on the home front and finish any outstanding jobs through November 3. While this could be a bit push-and-shove over who gets what and when, be fair, not furious!

April 20–May 20


If you’ve had a foray from roaming green pastures into a more professional and public sphere over the last year or so, you get a two-month reprise to head back and pack up your knowledge for good. Your overarching worldview is just about ready to go live in your career sector, so how is this rubber going to hit the road? This is your time to work that out as you prepare for a major power move. A new moon in sister earth sign Virgo is the perfect moment to set your intentions around devoting time to your personal interests, hobbies, and romantic life. What do you do for fun, Taurus? If fermenting and growing tomatoes is your idea of a good time, go for it! Get creative with the time you have and make it work for you. Mars in your local sphere fires up your motivation to build community and real connections—take a leadership approach and initiate.

May 21–June 21


Sometimes big things come in small packages, and this week tiny Pluto slips back into your zone of all things taboo, metaphysical, and resources gained through others. Deep connections, funding through others, even inheritances, have all played a part in your development for many years, and you’re almost ready to graduate into more lofty and light fields. Until November 19, take one final lap into the deep side of the pool to tie up anything you may have been avoiding, especially parts of your own psyche or untapped power. A new moon on Monday is the perfect time to reset in your domestic sphere. Set your intentions on what you want for this space over the coming year, and include a ritual at home to ground your vision and the feeling you’re aiming for.

June 22–July 22


Mars is the planet of energy, and this Wednesday it moves into your sign until November 3. Make the most of the extra fuel in your tank by setting a goal and then getting behind it. While your batteries are charged, keep a positive outlook so you’re best able to meet the changing needs of your family, friends, and a big personal goal. Relationships get one more deep and meaningful chance for reconstruction and transformation over the next few months. You can hit delete on issues you’re finally over and wrap up the rest by owning your power and setting ironclad boundaries. Set your intentions as a new moon on Monday begins a fresh cycle in your sphere of local connections and short courses. Where could you be of service to the community, or what useful topic are you ready to learn about in detail? Make it happen.

July 23–August 22


Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, is one of this year’s big headlines as it’s getting set to oppose your sign for the next twenty years. However, before it settles in to test your tenacity as a worthy sparring partner, it slips back into your work and wellness zone. Any issues that developed over the last several years are best dealt with now if you haven’t already followed up on them, as this is prime time for regeneration or a complete overhaul of the routines underpinning your wellness. Work may also be ready for an overhaul or update, so keep progressing and don’t let things get stale. You’re a true original; stay true to your creative spirit. Monday’s new moon resets in your financial sphere, so commit to giving it the close and detailed attention it deserves.

August 23–September 22


The planet of power and regeneration revisits your dating and creating sphere through November 19. Get in touch with your core and step it up if you’ve been backward in coming forward in these areas. If you’ve had power struggles, not owned your power, or are just ready to wrap up the last chapter of an era of change and transformation, this is your time. Use every scenario as a chance to lay down the rules and structure your time off so it’s used wisely. Life is precious—make the most of it. This month’s new moon is in your sign on Monday, so set your intentions on what you want for the next year. What direction, goal, feelings, outcomes, and experiences are you ready to welcome into your life, Virgo? Mars is in your social sector for the next two months, so be that gal about town and make all the connections heartfelt.

September 23–October 23


As the song goes, “The times, they are a-changin’,” and so are the planets. As one of the longest cycles shifts gears, it activates your domestic sphere for the final time until November 19. Pluto represents power and transformation. It’s deep and it’s heavy, and your best bet is to go with its MO of reinvention. If you’ve found a fixer-upper to focus this energy on, that would be wise. Your own internal scaffolding could benefit from clearing out any psychological skeletons in the closet too. Restructure your relationship to your own power, and to power generally, and face up with your inner boss in full swing. It’s not the most lighthearted aspect of your multipronged life, but it’s meaningful. On a lighter note, the moon in your sign hits a particularly high note midweek. Plan beautiful moments: date night, a catch-up with friends, an outing to enjoy culture, or the creation of your own artistic work.

October 24–November 21


Your sphere of local connections, siblings, and study has one final installment of reinvention. Consider your relationship to these areas and where you’re just about ready to consolidate your power, or rebirth. La Luna resets as a new moon in your sphere of groups, extended friendships, and connections, so set up a ritual to usher in the new phase. What are your goals for the coming year? What would you like to experience, achieve, meet, or do socially? Make your magic happen through a ritual and visualize positive outcomes for yourself and those you engage with. La luna glides through your sign over the weekend, so plan for Scorpio vibes with a little mystery and mayhem. As the provocateur of the zodiac, you like to be in control—keep it that way.

November 22–December 21


As Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, kicks back into your sphere of values and resources (a.k.a. cold, hard cash), it’s time for you to take one last hard look at your income, outgoings, and where to go from here. Take stock of the reality and complete a restructure that is better able to see you through any changes going forward. This is your chance to make a power move, so put on your business hat and make it count. La Luna resets on Monday as a new moon in your sphere of career and public image. Set your intentions for this new lunar phase in a way that aligns your heart with your head. Aim for expressing yourself and your potential while making real connections that count. Detail and brevity are your kryptonite, but make friends with them and they’ll be good to you.

December 22–January 19


Power planet Pluto packs a punch, and this Sunday it heads back into your sign for two final months. When it first hit Capricorn way back in 2008, it made a crash landing with the GFC (Global Financial Crisis), or meltdown. The point being: Systems that were inflated had a reality check. Since your sign has been hosting, that means Capricorns have had to come to terms with their own power, and the use of power, and in some way have experienced a major rebirth or regenerative period. This is the final note on those times, so tie up loose ends and grab the steering wheel with both hands. If you haven’t yet stepped up and into your power, this really is the time. Notice any resistance, fear, or struggle, and face them. Notice the surge of might in your core as you move forward. Set Monday’s new moon intentions on aligning with your personal higher ethics and guideposts to steer your next phase.

January 20–February 18


As power player Pluto swings back out of your sign and into your sphere of dreams, rest, and inner terrain, you may breathe a sigh of relief. Some pressure may shift somewhat. Note what deep infrastructure you’re doing some final work on, as this zone has been under construction for a very long time. If you’re more at home with the yoga and meditation of it all or have embraced modern wellness in a way you didn’t in the beginning, then your work here is done. As a sign of science and rational thought, the intangible side of life can seem off-limits or downright bonkers. However, connecting with that part of yourself—your inner voice and knowing, and accepting the not knowing—is a touchstone of power. Own this part of yourself, and you will feel more well-rounded, resourced, and resilient.

February 19–March 20


As power and transformation have been themes of your group and friendship zone, the social aspect of your life is up for one big, hard push. Through November 19, Pluto slips back into this area for a final deep restructure. This could mean creating a more official or businesslike approach to wider communities and networks. Make your presence known and felt for all the right reasons. Step into your power and be open to making that power move. La Luna resets as a new moon in your sphere of one-to-ones, in your opposite sign of Virgo, on Monday. Set your best intentions for what you want to feel, experience, or call in over the coming year. Focus on the meaningful details and practical side. How is it actually landing versus the fantasy of it all?

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.