It’s Cosmic

Sagittarius Tarot Horoscopes: September 2024

Sagittarius! Your tarotscope is here to help you in 2024.
sagittarius monthly tarotscope
Design by Channing Smith

Imagine your best year ever, dear Sagittarius. What does it look like? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you focus your energy and become your highest vibrational self. Are you ready for 2024 and all it brings? Find out with your tarot horoscopes.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Sagittarius. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles. In addition to her monthly tarotscopes—a combination of horoscopes and a tarot card reading—for Glamour, she's the host of the “When Stars Align” podcast and author of the newsletter PRAGMA: Relationships & Astrology. With over a decade of experience and “eerily accurate” insights, her aim is to bridge the gap between the magical and the material for her community with a grounded and authentic approach. Learn more about Meghan on her website and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Substack.

September 2024

Two of Wands: If you’re feeling stuck, as if you are standing at a crossroads, ready to make a decision that will shape your future, this month will ask you to leap forward and trust the process. You’re being called to step out of your comfort zone and explore a new approach to the same old problems. Instead of dwelling on or getting caught up in the details, you will be guided to let go of controlling the outcome and be at peace with however things shake out—so long as you get to be honest and open-hearted.

This heightened state will arrive around the time of the full-moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17. So whether you are planning a trip, starting a new business venture, or simply sharing more of your emotions with the people you love, the possibilities for where this will take you are endless. Set your sights on where you want to go and what you want to achieve, and don’t let the bumps in the road deter you from continuing onward. The key with this situation is to be bold while also embracing the fact that the path to get there is not linear.

August 2024

The Chariot: The cards show you are ready to move on from the things in your past that have bogged you down for far too long. There is nothing left tying you to these hurtful experiences other than your decision to keep picking it all back up. So instead of being harsh on yourself with this realization, it’s important to acknowledge the love and support you needed in the moment of that pain when it was initially being caused.

But now your life looks much different, and you are safe to finally trust and be vulnerable again. Let yourself explore life as if you’ve just started living it…because in a way, you have in August.

July 2024

Six of Wands: It seems July is going to bring you something worth celebrating! Although your life could have felt stagnant or confusing recently, there’s going to be a chance to gather joyously with those you love. Even if it’s just a call to someone far away that you’ve been thinking about, you’ll start to notice how deeply your initiation and attention can move others. It’s easy to laugh off love and relationships, but the truth is that there’s nothing that replaces the feeling of being loved and understood by another person.

Don’t miss out on the opportunities you have with the time that you have left, so get those you care about together again. Even something as simple as a game night can really redefine your relationships with others. Be open to hosting, calling, and getting the ball rolling this month and beyond. You can learn a lot about life (and yourself) through the reflection of others.

June 2024

Ace of Swords: I see you having a chance to change your life this month through an agreement of some sort. There is something that you have wanted for a long time in your life that is finally taking form through your hard work and dedication. Instead of thinking that you have to do more hard work and dedicate even more time and energy to this endeavor, you are going to see an opportunity to step back and relax.

There is something shifting as the tides of your life start to encourage you to be at peace with yourself. Instead of keeping yourself busy to avoid feeling your feelings, why not try to sit with the silence and let something profound come from within? The external world does not hold all of the answers, Sag. You know this.

May 2024

Knight of Cups: I see your wishes being granted this month as you start to eradicate old patterns and finally take accountability for your life’s path. There is more than meets the eye with you, and you’re allowing yourself to explore the unconventional aspects of your heart and its desires.

Around the time of the full moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, you will start to realize that life is finite. Instead of letting this scare you, see how it starts to light a fire underneath you and encourages you to take action. You’re no longer fearing the unknown—you are being undeniably called toward it. Be willing to invite someone along for the journey, especially someone you have an inexplicable connection with.

April 2024

Ace of Wands: There is a bold new chapter beginning in your life right now, and it’s no wonder that this is starting during fellow fire sign Aries’ season. You are being transported to new heights this month, simply by saying yes to a new opportunity. You may have always done things your way, but life is asking you to consider an option that’s even better, and you are being asked to let go of some control.

With the eclipse on April 8 also happening in Aries, you will likely feel this in your relationships or the way you romanticize your life. A new hobby could be the remedy to any fear or doubt that’s creeping in right now. Even something as simple as a new daily ritual in your self-care practice could change the game for you! Don’t underestimate the power of change.

March 2024

Judgement: You are coming to terms with the way that you’ve been walking through life, and it might encourage you to make some changes, Sag. You are not doing things with ill-intent, but it’s important to realize how your words and actions impact others. You have more influence than you realize, so you’ll have to ask yourself what kind of legacy you want to leave behind with your time here.

You could keep walking through life with the same attitude, or you could wake up to what life has been trying to teach you for a while now. Being intentional, authentic, and kind is going to get you much further than being careless ever will. Your relationships, career, and sense of self will all benefit from some self-reflection and a change in approach.

February 2024

Temperance: You are taking time in February to remind yourself of the virtue that patience truly is, Sagittarius. You are not often the one that others look to for advice on how to take a deep breath, but you will have someone close to you that leans on you in a new way and helps you remember how comforting and caring you are.

You make other people feel seen and supported with the smallest bit of compassion, so be willing to generously give that to someone who is in need. Whenever you feel like the world has turned its back on you, that’s often an indication that it’s time to give back to others.

January 2024

Knight of Cups: This month you are going to be all in your feels! You are realizing that you quite enjoy a “soft life” and that tending to yourself more often feels quite lovely. You are allowing yourself to drop your guard and feel your emotions more openly—the good, the difficult, and the indifferent.

Your entire spectrum of experience is valid, and the more that you tend to your ever-changing wants and needs, the less intense they become and the more easily you can meet them. What a phenomenal way to start the new year!