
How To Know You’re Getting Enough Vitamin A

Also known as retinol and retinoic acid, vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the health and well-being of our bodies.
How To Know Youre Getting Enough Vitamin A
Oliver Rossi/Getty Images

Vitamin A, which also known as retinol, retinoic acid, and carotenoids, is an essential nutrient for our health and well-being. Though it may be best known among skin care enthusiasts for its use in antiaging skin care, vitamin A is also a super-important part of our daily diets.

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties that protect against free radicals and is crucial for maintaining a robust immune system, strong bones, and healthy vision. It’s also an essential nutrient for cell division and the reproductive system.

In fact, vitamin A is so important to our health and well-being that a vitamin A deficiency could cause some serious health problems, including blurred vision, infertility, and dry skin. For this reason, it’s important to understand what the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are and how they manifest in the body while also being aware that too much vitamin A can have pretty adverse effects as well.

But there’s no need to panic; most of us generally get enough vitamin A through the foods we eat, especially if we’re sticking to a wholesome, veggie-rich diet. Read on to learn more about vitamin A and find out how to ensure you’re getting the right amount of this all-important nutrient.

What does vitamin A do?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that performs various functions in relation to the health of some organs and fundamental mechanisms in our bodies—good stuff like vision, skin, bones, hormones, and the immune system. It also supports the health of babies as they develop in the womb.

Here are just a few of the important functions that vitamin A supports.


When combined with a protein, vitamin A forms rhodopsin, the pigment that makes the eye sensitive to light. This is why your mum always told you carrots were good for your eyes; they contain vitamin A!

Skin and mucosa

Vitamin A helps keep the linings of some organs and systems functional, protecting them from damage, especially the lungs, trachea, urethra and bladder. There’s also some evidence to suggest that consuming adequate amounts of vitamin A helps prevent the formation of acne.


Vitamin A, together with calcium, vitamin D, and protein, is essential for bone growth.


Vitamin A plays a key role in the synthesis of sexual hormones and in conception. It also supports the healthy formation of a developing embryo.

Immune system

Vitamin A supports the immune system in fighting infections by creating strong mucous barriers and assisting in the production of white blood cells.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency

“Vitamin A deficiency can lead to ophthalmological, dermatological, and immune impairment,” explains an overview by Christopher Taylor and Christopher Hodge in the National Library of Medicine. However, they also call out that “the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency is rarely seen in the first world, nutrient-rich countries.”

Still, because a vitamin A deficiency can affect those with inflammatory bowel disease and post-bariatric surgery—or those who don’t eat a nutrient-rich diet—it’s good to be aware of the symptoms. If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact a medical provider who can perform a blood test to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

  • Blurred evening and night vision
  • Dull and dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Infertility
  • Chronic sickness or infection
  • Fragile bones

Can you get too much vitamin A?

While consuming an adequate amount of vitamin A is super important, it’s also entirely possible to get too much of a good thing – and that could lead to health problems as well. Vitamin A is fat soluble, which—unlike water-soluble nutrients like vitamin B—means it can be stored in body fat in toxic levels that could result in adverse symptoms and even death.

Symptoms of excess vitamin A include headaches, pain, dizziness, and nausea. It’s also worth noting that some studies suggest that getting too much vitamin A (especially in the form of supplements) could be particularly detrimental for some groups; it’s been linked to an increase in lung cancer in those who smoke. However, vitamin A consumed from plants (also known as provitamin A) doesn’t appear to carry the same risks as that consumed in excess in the form of supplements.

What’s the right amount of vitamin A?

The daily amount of vitamin A that an average adult should consume is approximately 700 to 900 micrograms. If you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet, you shouldn’t need additional vitamin A supplements. But if you are unable to follow a balanced diet, vitamin A in supplements can definitely be helpful. Consult a medical professional before buying.

Which foods contain vitamin A?

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to get enough vitamin A from eating a nutritious and balanced diet that includes animal- and plant-based foods.

There are two types of dietary vitamin A: plain ol’ vitamin A and provitamin A. They both do the same thing; they just come from different foods and are therefore processed slightly differently in the body.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A is found in foods of animal origin such as eggs; milk and dairy products; meat, especially liver; and fish. Mackerel, sardines, cod, salmon, and trout are high in vitamin A.

Provitamin A (carotenoids)

Provitamin A is a precursor of vitamin A that is transformed into retinol (vitamin A) in the gut. These substances are also called carotenoids; beta-carotene is probably the provitamin A you’re most familiar with.

Provitamin A comes from plants. Good sources are any vegetable or fruit with yellow, orange, or red skin—carrots, tomatoes, oranges, peaches, apricots, pumpkin, mango, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, red pepper, watermelon, and squash.

Green leafy veggies like spinach, kale, chard, and collards are also high in provitamin A.

As we always say, it’s important to eat the rainbow to get all your nutrients, and vitamin A is no exception. And remember, Vitamin A is fat soluble, so it’s stored in our bodies and used as needed, which is just another reason why it’s important to have some body fat.

This article first appeared on British Vogue.