Now What?

How to Find an Abortion Clinic Near You

Plus, resources you can trust for the most up-to-date information as the laws change.
How to find an abortion clinic nearest you

How to find an abortion clinic near you is going to be a question millions of women will be asking in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Just because abortion is no longer a constitutionally protected right does not mean that people have stopped or will stop needing abortions. In the wake of the decision, laws in nearly half of all states have been changing rapidly: Some have outright bans that went into effect immediately; some have bans set to go into effect in a number of days or months; and some have bans that have been blocked or may resume.

If you need an abortion and are unsure where to turn, there are still resources available who will help you access the care you need. updates its database of which states have clinics open and performing abortions and which have banned or restricted abortion access.

Rachel Fey, vice president of policy and strategic partnerships at the information campaign Power to Decide, notes that the state that is the closest geographically may not be the most convenient to the person seeking the abortion. You may have relatives in another state, or the closest state may not be able to provide you with the most appropriate care.

Another valuable resource for finding clinics is, which allows abortion seekers to search by zip code.

“The site includes a comprehensive directory of abortion clinics, as well as information about abortion funds, practical support for getting to and from an appointment, and what restrictions you’ll have to deal with in your state,” says Jay Thibodeau of Abortion Care Network,  the national association for independent abortion care providers. “They don’t collect or save any user information, so it’s private, and the site is available in English and Spanish. You can also text 202-883-4620 for the three clinics closest to you (by zip code)—it’s free and you don’t need internet access or a smartphone. The text line is especially important for people who don’t have access to a smartphone, the ability to search safely or privately on their own device or a shared computer, or reliable internet.”

Additionally, though much information tends to get lost in the confusion, most states still have not yet enacted full abortion bans. It may still be possible to access an abortion in a state that is likely to ban abortions in the future or with laws that are still in flux. For this reason, make sure to check with clinics directly to see if they are still taking appointments.

Here is a basic breakdown of clinic availability across the country, and where to find one.

Deep South & Southeast

Full ban: Alabama, Arkansas

Possible future ban: Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia

Nearest sanctuary states: Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts

You can still access abortions in Georgia, Virginia, Illinois, Kansas, North Carolina

Resources: ARC-Southeast, New Orleans Abortion Fund, Yellowhammer Fund 


Full ban: Kentucky, Missouri, South Dakota

Severely restricted access: Ohio

Possible future ban: Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota, Wisconsin

Nearest sanctuary state: Illinois

You can still access abortions in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska and Pennsylvania

Resources: Midwest Access Coalition

West & Southwest

Full ban: Oklahoma

Possible future ban: Arizona, Utah, Wyoming

Nearest sanctuary states: California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, 

You can still access abortions in California, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Nevada.

Resources: Utah Abortion Fund, Roe Fund 


Severely restricted access: Texas (a full ban is currently being challenged in the courts, per Abortion Finder)

Nearest sanctuary states: California, Colorado

You can still access abortions in California, Colorado,  Nebraska, Nevada, and New Mexico

Texas resources: Buckle Bunnies 

When accepting outside help, Fey advises caution. While many ad-hoc and spontaneous aid groups have sprung up on social media or individual users have begun offering their assistance or homes, anyone seeking an abortion should only go through an accredited organization or abortion fund that has been properly vetted.

Jill E. Adams, executive director at If/When/How, which provides legal guidance on matters of reproductive justice, notes that whatever the laws are regarding abortion in any state, nearly all of these bans exempt the patient seeking abortion care. What’s illegal is providing abortion care, not receiving it.

Says Adams: “Young people under 18 who seek abortion care in a state with a parental-involvement law will likely have to undergo a judicial bypass hearing in order to be granted a waiver to receive abortion care without their parent’s permission.” For these patients, Adams recommends the Judicial Bypass Wiki as a resource, which can help young abortion seekers navigate their state’s particular legal waters. Additionally, If/When/How’s free Repro Legal Helpline “provides free legal advice and information about self-managed abortion and access to clinic-based or telehealth abortion for people under 18,” Adams says.